Sunday, June 8, 2008

Watch A Movie - Kungfu Panda

今天大约十点,义工们在美门聚合,大约11点左右才抵达我家。原本的计划是去1 Utama的,后来改去Sunway Pyramid。我上网订了戏票,然后,Sathia就把我抱上了Serena的车。不到10分钟,我们便到了目的地。进入了停车场,唯一的残障泊车位给人用去了,唯有勉强塞在那车的旁边,然后义工们请保安先生抱我下车。

下了车,我们便到A&W聚合吃午餐,出席的义工朋友有Serena,思晴,凯宁,Jean,Sathia,Marilyn,惠婷(思晴的朋友)和五星(迟点到);残障朋友有阿财,宝仪及我。然后就去逛逛一下。差不多1点50分,我们便找电梯上去戏院,欣赏“Kungfu Panda”。

第一次来到Sunway Pyramid的TGV戏院,感觉这里后面的空间比The Mines的大好多。只是,不熟悉的人就不懂要如何把轮椅弄到戏院上去。

“Kung Fu Panda”终于上幕了,一开场就引来许多笑声……剧情就不多说了。

这部戏带给我很大的启发,其中一段话是乌龟师傅告诉熊猫的:“Yesterday is the history, tomorrow is the mystery, and today is the gift. That’s why it is called a present!”也许我的过去不怎么精彩,但我必须相信未来会有奇迹出现,而今日的阳光天使义工们,可能就是上天赐给我最好的礼物。

“There is no secret recipe, we just need to think what we do is special, then we are special.” 每个人都有自己的潜能所在,成功不需要秘诀,只要你认为你是特别的,你就会有很好的表现。我觉得这部卡通影片是一部很棒的心灵鸡汤。


(文稿提供:Say Leng)

1 comment:

AmyWongJiaHui said...


Yea yea, though dont really understand the article... but still want to put in comments here!

#no.1 -> Cool outing! got to know bout this outing fr Ah Chai... and knowing that he purposely traveled fr Seremban to Sunway just for the movie! how determined! keep up the good work angels!

#no.2 -> Fui yo! Kung Fu Panda is a certainly good choice as it was very funny and hilarious to be watch by any age group!

#no.3 -> if there is any activities like that, do text me la...;)

Cheers everyone!
Luv, Amy